Monday, April 26, 2010

i have to post to feel normal!

Okay so update time. My mom emailed me from the airport (yes, still in Denver!) and says she got a flight for about 2 hours from now. When she gets there she will try to call me or email me at the airport in Singapore. Dad is still at conference in Italy, mom rang him so he knows what's going on. He rang ME and said he can't leave until tomorrow afternoon (great, thanks dad) so he will be coming home early to keep me company. Until then I am still here alone, minding the house, stressing myself out.

This is my TWIN brother here. My other half. My god I am so so so worried for him. I have no idea how bad he is or anything! I have no idea! Is he in a coma? Is he fine?! I don't know and its KILLING me. If I have ever been a clock watcher it is now.

I'm trying to send him twin vibes but its not working yet. It used to... back when we were little.

I haven't turned to anorexia to help, although I WILL admit I probably haven't eaten QUITE as much as usual, but that's ok right? I do not plan on staying that way, it's just a stress thing. The important thing is that I am aware of it and will not let it it continue. I'm just letting myself have a couple stress days because, well. I am stressed.

I miss Texas right now. It's really cold here at the moment and I miss my friends. But I suppose that's what being alone will do huh?! Let you wander too deeply into your own mind!

Okay I better go now and do something else. My book arrived this morning so I will go read that and try to forget. I will likely write here again because, sadly it makes me feel like I'm talking to someone and not just here by myself!!!

Love you guys heaps. XO

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