Saturday, April 24, 2010

Insomnia Attax Imogen

Yep. Again. Can't sleep.
It's like I am worried about something. But what? Haven't a clue. Would love to know. So Imogen? If you ever find out, let me know. Ok. I will.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we got everything we wanted? Although I don't really know how that would work. People would probably have conflicting wants. Like there would probably be 2million people that want to rule the world. How could they all rule the world? They couldn't. It just wouldn't work that way. People might want to kill someone, and the person they want to kill might want to live forever. Whose wants would be met and whose wouldn't? That's a tough one. I guess that just goes to show we can't have everything we want. Kinda depressing thought.... that's what happens to my brain when I get tired!

What would I want, if I could have everything I wanted? That's a good question. I guess firstly I'd want eating disorders and all other mental health disorders related to depression to NOT EXIST. Nobody deserves to suffer from depression or an eating disorder or bipolar disorder or ANY of those things. They are life-ruiners. Fun suckers. We don't have limitless time on earth, why should we be struck with such an illness that wastes so much precious time that could be spent smiling and happy? No reason.

Secondly I would want society to not have stereotypes of the 'perfect body'. None of that. I would like individuality to be appreciated instead of shunned. I want it to be cool to be different. I want it to be cool to look the way we look naturally. No make-up. No plastic surgery. No airbrushed magazines and billboards. People just being themselves, why not? Why is it so scary to go and be ourselves? It shouldn't be... it's our life. Our planet. Why are we scaring ourselves so much?

Thirdly I want there to be no wars. Peace. Why wars? Ok I know WHY, I'm not THAT deluded, but you know... when you really think about it. Why are they even necessary? Is it that hard for people to just get along, and accept the fact that other countries have different leadership ideals than ours? Different cultures? Religions? Traditions? Laws? So what? Deal with it and embrace it. Don't fight it.

Finally I would like there to be no such thing as drugs. No 'P', no ecstasy, no cocaine. It is another life-ruiner. It is not the fault of the people who get caught up in that crap. It's another addiction that gets the best of perfectly decent people and completely screws them up. Not fair.

Ok I think that's enough of Imogen-PhilosophyPants tonight. This morning. Whatever.

I'm OFF. Bed me. Now!


Anonymous said...

You're definitely right! The world would be a much easier place to live in without all that stuff!

I've been reading CC and sometimes contribute, so it's great to see that you've started a blog as I love your funny ways of saying breakfast, snack, lunch...etc - so much more exciting and it always brightens up my day to read something that is so upbeat!

Can't wait to read more posts (is that considered nosy that I like to read what happens in other people lives?????)

ImogenHope said...

Lol aww thanks for your comment! =]
(I don't think it's nosy... well... if it is then color me nosy too!)

Anonymous said...

Hey there imo darling! blogging is addictive at the start right? ha, love your sense of humour, im not gona lie, i enjoyed hearing about your car wash, might just have been the highlight to my day! hope u managed to get back to sleep, wherever you are! (where are you actually? what timezone?) its 10am here. anyway, look forward to being in contact through the medium of bloggalationships! (its a word!)

Slater and have a good weekend
(btw-if i ever come across rude, i apologise, its not me, its my irish sense of humour, kinda dry and sarcastic, which probably isnt the best thing over the internet! which is why i am letting u know!!)


Jemima said...

if I could have anything >I< wanted, I'd have you living right next door to me here in London. We could have dinners together, watch stupid films and generally have an awesome time.
Oh to dream!

Anonymous said...

Woop, Imogen I love your blog already! But then thats not surprising as even your posts on CC brighten up my day :-)
Hope you have a great weekend lovie, and get some decent sleep soon - I feel your pain with the insomnia!
<3 Hannah

ImogenHope said...

N'AWWW! You guuuyyys! *sniffle*
You all rock. Jemima my dear - I agree. Wouldn't that be the most awesome thing ever?! =D